The purpose of Odessa Christian School is to give our students the opportunity to grow in knowledge, godly wisdom, and spiritual discernment so that they can “let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven” (Matthew 5:16) and discover their calling in life.
At the heart of Odessa Christian School is the desire to be obedient to and glorify Jesus Christ as we carry out the work He has called us to do, always seeking to make ourselves available to His leading and instruction as we, in turn, lead our students in this same vision. Within this all-encompassing framework, it is our goal to provide the very best opportunity to learn, from a steadfast and unapologetic biblical worldview, for each and every student with whom we are entrusted.
Odessa Christian School adheres to the tenet that learning occurs best by allowing a student to struggle and wrestle with material and ideas so that they think creatively and critically about them, discovering answers through understanding gained by experience. We are Christ-focused, and teach content, but also responsibility, diligence, perseverance, and thoughtfulness.
We believe that learning and growth, and the development of knowledge, wisdom, and discernment, are lofty yet achievable godly goals for all students.
In the end, we seek to train up thinkers and doers - people who not only know information, but what they ought to do with it.