Our teachers and staff are committed followers and lovers of Christ who are united in serving the Lord through the field of education. We believe, above all else, that we are to "'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind.'" (Luke 10:27a)
Mrs. Erin Ciulla
Head of School
Mrs. Ciulla, together with her husband, Mr. James Ciulla, founded Odessa Christian School in 2008 out of obedience to the Lord’s calling. Mrs. Ciulla holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in psychology from the University of Tampa. Prior to founding Odessa Christian School, she worked at a group home for young people with developmental disabilities and emotional disturbances for 15 years, including 10 as co-director. During that time, Mrs. Ciulla developed with her mother-in-law (and co-director at the group home), Mrs. Diane Ciulla, an equine therapy program for individuals with emotional and developmental disabilities, focused on the therapeutic and learning benefits of being active in nature, and adventured with Mr. Ciulla and their two sons.
From Mrs. Ciulla:
I love Jesus, I love to learn, and I love adventure! As Head of School at OCS, my heart is to combine all three of these in a challenging, inspirational, and joyful educational experience for each and every one of our students. The thrill of seeing students grow and discover they are learning not only content, but also how to learn, how to create, and how to live – for Jesus, others, and self – is such a joy! I rejoice at being a part of teachers and students connecting over a math hurdle, writing challenge, or spiritual breakthrough, and count it an honor to be called to this position.
I pray every parent recognizes and embraces the ideals of an education from a biblical worldview and growth mindset focus, and that instills perseverance and personal responsibility in their children – not only at school, but also for life. From learning to read to traipsing around Spanish Colonial ruins, from multiplication facts to writing, producing, and acting in a full length play, learning is what one makes of their opportunities. Learning is about so much more than textbooks and standardized tests. OCS shines the light on opportunities – students learn how to embrace them!
My favorite activities include reading (I may have a book problem) - preferably with some hot tea and our two dogs on either side of me on the couch, and adventuring with my family and friends, especially if it involves the outdoors, water, mystery, and/or history. While I love to read, I am hard pressed to name just one favorite book, though, if I had to choose, Jane Eyre (Charlotte Bronte) would probably be way up there, along with pretty much anything by Alcott, Rosenberg, and Grisham. Braveheart, Sound of Music, Downton Abbey, and Seinfeld are all on my screen time list. I hold unwaveringly to God’s word, and I am pretty sure I am divergent. J
Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him,
and he will make your paths straight.
Mr. Santo Ciulla
Physical Education, Upper School Science
I love being a teacher because of how fulfilling it is to see students excel in school and conquer difficult tasks.
Mrs. Jenni Fraire
Middle School ELA, History, and Bible
High School Bible
Mrs. Fraire, originally from California, has also lived in Atlanta until she she made her last stop here in Florida - in lovely Dunedin, from which she commutes daily! Mrs. Fraire has a Bachelor of Arts degree in history from Kennesaw State University, and she minored in music. She has been married to Robert, a Business Intelligence nerd and pastor, for over 25 years, and together they have three adult children: Bobby, Madeline and Ben - all of whom were homeschooled by Mrs. Fraire for a combined total of 20 years. Mr. and Mrs. Fraire also have a son-in-law, Joshua and a grandson, Kaleb (1 year old), and another on the way.
Mrs. Fraire shares with her husband a lifelong love for baseball, specifically the Dodgers; but when not in conflict with the Dodgers, you will find her rooting for the Rays! She is a bandwagoner Tampa Bay Lightning fan, having just recently started watching hockey. She loves to read, and lastly, she has a (not so anymore) secret enjoyment of mobile gaming.
Mrs. Fraire’s deep and wide knowledge base in teaching, relatability, and comfort level with a variety of age levels makes her a great fit at OCS, not to mention that we love her fun and contagious spirit!
From Mrs. Fraire:
I love to teach because I love to learn! And I want to cultivate that passion in others as well. School should be far more than memorizing facts and passing exams. I want my students to become curious about the world around them, to seek out answers for themselves and to use the wisdom and logic God has given them to become exceptional thinkers.
At OCS, I love the support of fellow staff members, the small size, the Christ-centeredness, and the flexibility to learn and grow in a non-traditional environment.
I believe parents should choose OCS because learning and thinking is prioritized here. This is of such great value at a time in history where social media, TikTok videos and sound bites have muddled our ability to step back and truly consider and work out our belief system for ourselves, apart from the noise. Parents should send their students to OCS for the same reasons I'm thrilled to work here - to have the opportunity to learn, to grow, to experience failures and successes in a safe environment, and to ultimately become responsible, thoughtful, influential adults in a fast-paced, crazy world.
I love music and food! Music performance has been a huge part of my life for as long as I can remember; I love to sing and play piano, and I am blessed to be able to use those talents to serve my church and lead in worship. Besides performing music, I have been blessed to teach music to many students throughout the years through private piano and voice instruction, choir directing, and leading youth worship bands. I also love food and will attempt to make most anything!
Ephesians 2:10
For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.
Mrs. Popy Mazza
Upper Elementary Grades
Mrs. Mazza was born in Englewood, New Jersey and moved to Tarpon Springs, Florida as a child. She attended St. Petersburg College with a focus in administration, spent 19+ years working in healthcare administration, and is the co-founder and principal owner of a surgical/medical consulting company.
Mrs. Mazza has been married for over 20 years to her husband, Jason, and is the loving mom of 2 boys. Their family has been a precious part of the OCS family for over 10 years, with her son, Yanni being a 2021 graduate, and her son, Zane, now in 8th grade! How time flies!
From Mrs. Mazza:
In 2020, I was given the opportunity here at OCS, to help and guide some of our elementary students in learning how to read, write, and conquer math. I enjoyed seeing the excitement on the students’ faces when they successfully completed a challenging task. Needless to say.... I enjoyed it so much that here I am back again!
I love the unique learning methods that OCS uses and that students have the ability to engage in mastery-based learning. OCS has a beautiful campus and a very personal, friendly environment.
Teachers care about their students’ success and want to help them succeed in all walks of life.
Parents should send their students to OCS because of the real world skills they get to learn in a close-knit environment. As both a teacher and a mother of an OCS graduate, I’ve firsthand seen the knowledge and skills students have developed in working with others, public speaking, and real-world events: skills students will need to be successful in the future.
Isaiah 43:2
Section 1002.421(2)(h), Florida Statutes requires that classroom teachers at all Florida registered schools meet one of the following requirements:
OCS meets or exceeds this requirement.